DLS Youth Welfare Foundation is an organization fueled by the indomitable spirit of resilience, empowerment, and societal change. Our inception in 2023, under the aegis of the MCA, marked the realization of a dream that had been nurtured since 2015: A dream to redefine and revolutionize the education system.
At DLS, we are committed to empowering the youth, the future torchbearers of our society. Every child holds the potential to change the world. Yet, many face insurmountable barriers to realizing their potential due to the lack of accessible, quality education. This unfulfilled promise is not just a loss to the individual, but to their communities, and to the world at large.
Read MoreDLS YOUTH WELFARE FOUNDATION ASC license is valid only for 12 months from the date of registration. The same Agreement can be renewed for another one year subject to the availability/ continuation General Terms & Conditions: (a) That the TC (Training Centre) shall strictly follow the contents / structure of training programs duly provided by MTCP {Master Training Center Provider) as per the guidelines. (b) That the TC shall not have any right to transfer its rights to any other person or body in any manner whatsoever except as said above. (c) That the distance between two centers must be surround 5km(approx) total 20km(approx), If another center will open between this distances then the permission of nearest center must be taken. Their decision should be granted. (d) That MTCP shall provide e-books/ Hard Copy Books and e-papers/ Exam Paper Hard copy as docs. (e) Annual fees, Certification fees, Exam fees must be clear in time otherwise issue of certificate will be delayed. (g) That the TC has the right to cancel the enrollment if the candidate is not regular in the training program or on the grounds of indiscipline, non-compliance of rules and regulations etc. (h) That all technical procedures and activities of the second Party shall be open to audit and inspection by the First party and the Second Party shall send periodical reports to the first party about the operation of the center.
Certified Students
Study Centres
Awarded Centres
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